Anne Marie Cairns​
An address from our Principal
St Joseph’s College is a Kildare Education Ministries Catholic co-educational secondary college in the Brigidine tradition. It has provided quality Catholic education to the Echuca Moama region for almost 140 years.
St Joseph’s College has a clear focus on learning and teaching to engage students, to enhance their sense of connection and to develop ​their God-given talents because at the heart of Catholic education is the Christian vision of the human person where we see the individual who is uniquely loved, and we seek to bring that person to human flourishing in all of their dimensions.
In the true spirit of the Brigidine Sisters who founded our College in 1886, St Joseph’s College is a welcoming and hope-filled school that promotes excellence and equity, so that all students can aspire to become creative and critical thinkers who act with strength and kindliness in the Gospel tradition. Our beautiful historic buildings house a Catholic learning community that is courageous in implementing learning programs that are designed to engage and excite 21st century thinkers.
The College believes that a sense of belonging builds confidence and connection. Our vertical pastoral care House system connects students across all year levels providing them with mentoring and leadership opportunities, whilst providing emotional and spiritual support from peers and dedicated staff, who have a special interest in their holistic development.
Our College motto ‘Strength and Kindliness’ is inherited from Bishop Daniel Delany of Kildare (Ireland), who founded the order of the Sisters of Saint Brigid in 1807. Saint Brigid, who lived in Ireland in the fifth century, was a woman of great initiative and faith, and her sense of compassion, social justice and generosity were legendary. In recent years the Brigidine Sisters and the Presentation Sisters have formed Kildare Ministries to carry on the works inspired by both Bishop Daniel Delany and the founder of the Presentation Sisters, Nano Nagle.
Consequently, these Kildare Ministries core values are our hallmarks:
Compassion Walking with and having empathy for all
Hope Bringing a sense of purpose
Hospitality Welcoming all
Courage Speaking and acting with integrity
Wonder Celebrating all that is good with joy and gratitude
Justice Making the needs of the vulnerable paramount
I am privileged to lead this faith community on the next stage of the journey. The College Leadership Team, staff and students are proud to share the St Joseph’s story through this website.
I hope this website inspires you to get involved in this wonderful Catholic learning community; either as a parent/guardian, a student, a staff member, a volunteer or a Stewardship Council member, so that you can experience these values in action.
Go gently.
Anne Marie Cairns